Do you need affordable car insurance but are low on cash? Every car owner dreams of saving money on car insurance. Some companies offer first month free car insurance discounts. The question is, is it available? It would be best to scan the offer’s fine print for the answer, and you will understand the facts about 1st month free car insurance offers.
It is attractive in theory, and you get free coverage for thirty days without paying a penny. After the free period, you may pay a premium and continue with the policy. On the other hand, you cancel the policy and discontinue it. For the most part, U.S.-based insurance companies generally do not have such options. So, are you searching for a free month offer for car insurance? Check all your options by getting a quick online quote. Start by entering your zip code.
If you own a car and drive it, you need car insurance. Almost all states have made it obligatory to carry car insurance if you operate a vehicle. You cannot even pay a $100 deposit if you have no money. This leaves many people in a thought situation. They need to drive but cannot afford to buy auto insurance. Some insurers have helped with deals like first month free car insurance. This allows those in a temporary cash bind to get covered without putting down a big deposit.
Many companies do not offer automobile insurance for the first month free, and many people are confused about it. The correct answer depends on the company you are choosing for this purpose and their process of offering you a discount. If the free first month’s promotion is valid and you get free coverage for one month, you will pay one less premium than a standard policy.
Here’s an example. You have bought a cheap auto insurance policy that costs $1,200 for a year’s coverage. The carrier gives you a free initial month. Then, you will be required to pay the $1,200 in 11 payments. You then pay more in the remaining eleven months but get the first month free. As you can see with this example, you don’t save money on the policy but rather push back the installment payments.
There is ambiguity, and some companies play around with this deal. They offer you the first free month, and you don’t pay for it. You are getting no discount, and your free month premium will be adjusted. To be clear, you don’t get anything for free with this policy but get insured without making the first payment. Some companies use it for publicity and promotions, and you ultimately pay for a free month in the long run. As always, read the fine print in the policy to know what you are buying and the total cost.
Even if the company offers you the first free month, it benefits you. Examples of benefits of this type of policy include:
A Short-term Cash Crunch
You Might Sell Your Vehicle Soon
You Spent all your Money on Buying a Vehicle
Fist free month can help you even if you don’t save money in monthly premiums. You can get one full month without paying the premium if you don’t have enough money to buy car insurance. If you have purchased a vehicle, it may be helpful to have a car insurance discount for the first month without any deposit requirement. You get insurance and pay nothing until the second month of the policy.
Suppose you are down on money and bought a car with a larger down payment than expected. In that case, you may have no money left for automobile coverage. You have spent all your savings on purchasing the vehicle. You don’t even worry about setting aside money for auto insurance in the excitement of a new car. Your budget is tight due to the payment for a new car, and there are no extra funds in the bank. In this scenario, a free month of car insurance package comes in handy. You will get a month to adjust your budget and manage payments for car insurance in the future.
You may browse the pages of different insurance providers and compare their insurance offers and plans. You should request quotes and pay attention to promotional offers from insurers selling these policies. There are other insurance comparison websites where you may compare free month of auto insurance plans in your location.
The web is the best place to find the coverage you need at the best rates. Enter your zip code now and compare the best rates and coverage.
Some insurance providers play “word games” with these types of policies. They may advertise free month car insurance to attract people but then hit you with high down payments and other hidden charges. These insurance providers use different names for these extra fees. In technical terms, they claim to provide you with free insurance for one month, but you still end up paying a deposit or fees.
There are not very many insurers offering auto insurance for one month free. Some companies that have low deposit programs and special discounts are:
The fastest way to save on car insurance and get deals like the first month free car insurance is to compare and shop plans online. You can save hours using quote engines that help you find the best deals for the coverage and terms you need. Many people save $550 or more with direct insurance plans. Enter your zip code to get started and get the coverage you need at lower rates.